About Us
General Overview
Greystone is a privately held company which has been in business since 1932. Our business objectives are to provide “Safety Critical” turned metallic metal parts with/or electro-chemical functional coatings to our customers, while providing a secure and safe work environment for our loyal employee base.
Markets We Serve
Greystone focuses on the Automotive, Aerospace, Munitions/Firearms and Medical markets. Our customer base includes many of the industry leaders in the markets we serve. These customers (both Tier 1 and 2) consistently audit our plants helping us maintain our focus on our accredited quality and manufacturing systems. We are a leader in the Airbag, Fuel Injector, Firearms and Aerospace (jet engine and bearings) product lines.
Management Disciplines to Support Operations into the Next Generation
Although privately held, Greystone is a professionally managed company operating under the principles of the book “Good To Great” written by Jim Collins. We focus on developing individuals with high leadership skills who lead our teams of employees to operate within our Hedgehog principles of; manufacturing products that require high technological development, in high volume production lots, utilizing high automation. We strive for highly disciplined work practices within our employees. We expect our employees to continuously improve to reach their highest potential.
Why “Safety Critical” Parts
Safety Critical parts fit well into our management disciplines outlined above. We feel long term survival, operating in the United States manufacturing environment, requires a high level of “Value Added” services. Our strengths are parts requiring 100% automated inspection which is a core competency of Greystone served through our automation engineering department. Safety critical parts fit well into our ISO and Aerospace NADCAP quality certifications held in each Greystone manufacturing plant servicing the respective markets.